Using Evidence-Based Literature to Support Your Life Care Plan

This presentation expands on evidence based citations that support the Life Care Plan and its credibility. It will discuss what is evidence based, what is current, types of research (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods), levels of evidence, and how to appraise evidence—the strength and number of research studies. It will also explore evidence for medical interventions and evidence for nursing interventions, and what to do if you can’t find any evidence. Citing reputable, credible evidence in chronic care will be discussed, as well as implications for NLCPs.
CEU: 1
Date Presented: June 14th, 2023
Presenter(s): Lee Barks, PhD, MN, APRN
Bio: Lee Barks, PhD, MN, APRN, is a nurse scientist, clinical specialist, and nurse practitioner. She consulted as an expert on federal lawsuits for 2 decades. She has conducted clinical assessment of risk and developed programs for patient positioning and mobility in the long term care setting, working continuously to decrease health effects of immobility. She received her BSN from the University of Virginia, her MN from the University of Florida, and her PhD from the University of South Florida and trained in the Patient Safety Fellowship and the VA Postdoctoral Nursing Research Fellowship at Tampa VA. Dr. Barks’ research focuses on rehab outcomes of posture resulting from patient positioning. These are health and safety outcomes such as seating interface pressure, resident-days of pneumonia, and physical function. She became a CNLCP in 2021 and has written numerous articles and book chapters.