Navigating The VA Database: Using The Pricing Tool
Did you know that there is a free of charge database of UCR costing info? Come learn about the Veteran’s Administration and how to utilize their databases to locate nationally accepted data when preparing life care plans and medical cost projections.
Did you know that there is a free of charge database of UCR costing info? Come learn about the Veteran’s Administration and how to utilize their databases to locate nationally accepted data when preparing life care plans and medical cost projections.
CEU: 1
Date Presented: June 12, 2019
Presenter(s): Valerie V. Parisi RN CRRN CLCP
Bio: Valerie V. Parisi RN CRRN CLCP of Doylestown, PA. Ms. Parisi has been an active registered nurse for 43 years and is a certified rehabilitation nurse(CRRN) and life care planner(CLCP). Ms. Parisi has been in private practice as a legal nurse consultant for 27 years providing general legal nurse consulting services in cases of malpractice, personal injury, product liability and Worker's Compensation and also provided nursing case management services to insurance carriers. As a life care planner, Ms. Parisi has brought her rehabilitation nursing expertise to cases involving spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, end of life cancer care and geriatric management and has served as a life care planning expert providing expert testimony nationally. Ms. Parisi received her nursing education from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA and received post graduate training in life care planning from the University of Florida. Ms. Parisi has authored chapters on nursing case management and home care nursing in nationally known legal texts and served as faculty at University of Delaware's Legal Nurse Consulting Program.