Diversity and Inclusion in Healthcare and Its Importance for Your Life Care Plan
2020 was a year that exposed our inequities. As a nation we are becoming more diverse. Those who are marginalized suffer disproportionate social and economic hardships. These hardships extend to their health. Biases and access issues create inequities that extend throughout the spectrum of health care. Knowledge regarding these inequities is essential to creating equitable healthcare and a healthier nation.
2020 was a year that exposed our inequities. As a nation we are becoming more diverse. Those who are marginalized suffer disproportionate social and economic hardships. These hardships extend to their health. Biases and access issues create inequities that extend throughout the spectrum of health care. Knowledge regarding these inequities is essential to creating equitable healthcare and a healthier nation.
CEU: 1
Date Presented: April 12th, 2023
Presenter(s): Lucy Wibbenmeyer MD
Bio: Dr. Wibbenmeyer is a Clinical Professor and the Director of the Burn Unit and Program Director of the Burn Fellowship at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. She was the 2020 president of American Burn Association (ABA) and the 2015 president of North American Burn Society (NABS). She has served almost a decade on the ABA board and has had prominent positions on many other ABA committees. She is an active clinical researcher and has authored over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles over the span of her career as a surgeon and leader. In her spare time she enjoys swimming, biking and spending time with her family and her dog.