Tracy Albee has been an RN since 1987 and has offices in Tracy, CA and Las Vegas, NV. She holds a BSN from CSUS. She is a LNCC and a CLCP. She is recognized as a FIALCP. She has RN licensure in both CA and NV.
Tracy has owned MediLegal, Inc., since 1995. Her past expertise includes Home Health / Hospice Nursing, Elder Abuse and Residential Care Facilities. She now practices primarily in the field of Life Care Planning, which also includes Future Cost Projections, Past Bill Reviews and Lien Analysis. She also offers limited CM services.
Her clinical experience includes working with persons of all ages with a multitude of illnesses and injuries.
Tracy works with plaintiff and defense firms across the US. She is a Past President of IALCP, a section of IARP and has served on many other boards, both professional and charitable in nature.
Ms. Albee has been published in various publications and provides educational programs at a local and national level on the many diversified areas of work that she performs. She belongs to multiple professional organizations, including IALCP, AANLCP and the ANA.
Tracy Albee is married to Oscar Gutierrez and they are the parents of five children and have five grandchildren.
MediLegal, A Professional Nursing Corporation, assists lawyers, insurance companies and private organizations in the screening, investigation and interpretation of medical cases with a focus on life care planning and damages evaluation. Visit the MediLegal website to learn more.
Debbe Marcinko BSN RN MA CRRN CCM CRC CLCP CNLCP LPC is a rehabilitation nurse, case manager, and life care planner located in Pittsburgh, PA providing adult and pediatric catastrophic case management and life care planning. She is a registered nurse licensed to practice in Pennsylvania and Ohio. She received her Bachelor of Science in nursing, and Master of Arts in rehabilitation counseling. She is a Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Nurse Life Care Planner, Certified Case Manager, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and Licensed Professional Counselor. Her clinical nursing experience spanning over 45 years includes general nursing practice, critical care, long-term care and administration, school nursing, private case management, U.S. Department of Labor Office of Worker’s Compensation field nursing, and life care planning. She is active in several professional organizations including the Association of Nurse Life Care Planners, and has held offices in the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals and International Academy of Life Care Planners. She has published and presented on case management and life care planning. She was awarded the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals’ President’s Commendation in 2015, and the International Academy of Life Care Planners’ Sheri Jasper Award in 2017. She is currently serving as President of the Foundation for Life Care Planning and Rehabilitation Research.
This presentation will summarize the data obtained in the recent LCP survey in which the AANLCP members participated:
Abstract: What do you say when your life care planning protocols are challenged? How do you explain changes that have occurred due to the pandemic and/or since the 2001 and 2009 surveys? What tools do you use and how does this compare to other life care planners (in the US and Canada)? Can you assist the trier of fact in answering questions regarding the methodology underlying your life care plan?
Lawyers get to ask questions….but experts have the answers! Come to this session for data on changes in life care planning practice due to the pandemic as well as a longitudinal perspective on the process, methods, and protocols of life care planning over the past 20 years.