Dawn Cook, RN, CNLCP, CLCP

Dawn Cook is a licensed Registered Nurse who has worked with serious and catastrophic illness and injury with over 40 years of experience in clinical settings and as a life care planner and medical bill reviewer. Dawn is an experienced life care planner with certified life care planner (CLCP) and certified nurse life care planner (CNLCP) designations.  Dawn has completed over 550 life care reports, and 300 past medical bill reports in 34 states and has testified as an expert witness at deposition or trial over 150 times since 2012. Dawn has testified at Federal Court in Illinois, New Mexico, and Oregon and at State Court in California, Iowa, Nevada, and New Mexico as an expert in Life Care Planning. Dawn has testified in Nevada State Court and California State Court as an expert in Past Medical Bill Reviews.  Dawn enjoys working in both plaintiff and defense cases; from complex birth or brain injuries to trucking and motor vehicle accidents, each case requires attention to detail and consistent methodology.

Cook Life Care Plan

Cook Life Care Plan is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, and provides services nationwide. Services include life care plans, life care plan rebuttals, past medical bill reviews, future medical cost projections, and nurse standard of care reports for plaintiff and defense attorneys.

Rebuttals and Life Care Plans

Best Practices Learned From 10 Years in the Field

As a life care planner with over ten years of experience and working with both defense and plaintiff attorneys, Dawn Cook has developed a style of reviewing another life care planner’s report that helps cover all the aspects of qualifications, methodology, medical foundation, coding and costing research of the opposing life care planner.
Suitable for beginner and advanced life care planners, this presentation will present ideas to strengthen and prevent problems in plaintiff life care plans and improve rebuttal reports. Learn how to oppose reports written by nurse life care planners, voc rehab professionals, physician life care planners and non-certified individuals who write future medical cost projections. The presentation will cover Standards of Practice statements from the AANLCP and the IARP, consensus statements and literature to highlight problems with a life care plan.