AANLCP Journal of Nurse Life Care Planning
Editorial Committee Agenda
10/5/2022 10/12/2022
Via ZOOM! (please don’t dress up) Address at the end of the page.
Beverage of choice encouraged.
8pm Eastern/7pm Central/6pm Mountain/5pm Pacific
Present: Meeting 1:Stephen Axtell, Andrea Nebel, Patti Mazurkiewicz
Meeting 2: Melinda Pearson, Misty Coffman, Louvenia , Nellie Kreimer
Meeting Decorum: Use the hand-up reaction to indicate you have a contribution so the editor can be sure you, and everyone else, will get a chance to speak.
After Meeting Topic:
- Comma usage
- Orthopedic pricing and pain management
- Cost of pain
- Emerging Treatment for pain
- Up and coming
- Evolution
- Orthopedic pain and research
OLD Business:
Follow up:
- Louvenia Nuerosoych Eval
- Dale Berry prosthetic Article in 2020
- Follow up: Actuaries Life Expectancy tables.
Membership: New subjects and authorship. Get famous or publish. Establish yourself as an expert for testimony.
Follow up for finding authors for Leadership issue: American Nursing Association. NursingWorld.org.
Find out who used to be on the committee.
Conference committee leads, webinars, C/O Becky Czarnic
Follow up Misty:
- Reimbursement master’s person.
- Dr. Ron Luke Doctor Life Care Planner equal to Nurse Life Care Planner
New Business:
- New article writer leads
- Change issue listings from forward facing to back facing
- Name change for issue
Planning ahead:
Article Topics:
Index of terms
Using the US Lifetables from the CDC. What is appropriate/what isn’t? Pros and Cons
- Brachioplexus injuries
- Vaccine Injury
- Federal Program
- Navigation
- Childhood Vaccines
- Needs and costing
- How to deal with long-term complications
- Neuropsych Eval?
- Dosing Adult vs. Child
- Consent and Self-advocacy in Children
- Family dynamics and Life Care Planning
- Charging and Costs
- ADHD, cPTSD, or Brain Injury, how to tell?
- Developmental Changes and Life Care Planning
- Mental Health presentations in Adults vs Children
Business of Life Care Planning
- Differences between Nurse Life Care Planning and Life Care Planning
- Peer Support
- Subcontracting/owning your own business
- Time Management
- Charging and cost
- Who hires you? Insurance, attorneys, and private practice
- Elder Care
- Getting hired
- Care plan checklist?
- Finding Mentorship/apprenticing/Internships
- Tricks for subcontracting
- What can I delegate
- Services to help the business
Mental Health:
- Neuropsychological testing.
- How to understand
- What kinds are important
- When it is important to push for it
- Pediatric testing
- Emotional Trauma and Mental Health
- Stages of mental health progression- recommended as part of any article in this series
- How to charge?
- Brain injuries
- How many sessions, how to decide
- Differences between the therapies, CBT, Neurofeedback, speech therapy
- Future psychiatric
- Evals
- Drug Counseling
- How do they overlap?
- Sexual assault
- How to read the reports
Joint care:
- Shoulder/knee surgery, pricing .
- Life expectancy tables, how to use.
- Varieties of surgery.
- Tendon Transfers
- Joint-centered articles:
- Shoulders, back, knee, hip, etc
- Hip replacements, best places to find costs.
- How to code.
- Hip care.
- Different kinds of therapies.
- Osteoarthritis
- Likelihood of complications and degeneration
- Hands, ankles, wrists.
- Rehabbing.
Ostomy and Wound Care
G-tubes and pegs
- Difference between certified and non-certified life care planners.How to keep them accountable?
- Mandatory Reporting: how and who?
- Retained Defense Life Care Planner: Expert errors. What to consider.
- Ethical Violations: Defense or Plaintiff.
- How to tell an attorney that you don’t have a case.
Editorial Information
Tentative schedule Writer/reviewer deadlines
Next meeting: November 2nd, 2022
(8:00pm eastern / 7:00pm central / 6:00pm mountain / 5:00pm pacific) Please, RSVP!
*Please put this recurring event and call-in number in your electronic prosthetic memory for the 1st Wednesday of every month
AANLCP HQ’s Meeting Room
HQ AANLCP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Editorial Board Meeting
Time: 8:00 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, and 5 pm Pacific time.
(US and Canada)
Every month on the First Wednesday of the month
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