Join the AANLCP Member Listserv (a Google Group)
The Listserv is a tool for AANLCP members to communicate with one another electronically. It is monitored for adherence to the guidelines, but not moderated for content. Please abide by these few etiquette guidelines:
Messages to the Listserv are delivered to all participants. Please remember …
- ListServ information is not to be forwarded or shared with anyone outside of the Association
- Keep paragraphs and messages short and to the point.
- Focus on one subject per message.
- Be sure your message word-wraps so the receiver gets the entire message.
- Include your signature at the bottom of your messages. At a minimum, it should include your name, company, and telephone number.
It’s Not Just What You Say…
- Be professional about what you say about others.
- Refrain from making off-color comments or suggestions.
- Be careful when using humor or sarcasm. Without face-to-face communication, your joke may not be taken as such.
- No political postings or comments.
- When quoting from other sources, please give appropriate attribution.
- To avoid the appearance of price-fixing, conversations about pricing and/or fees are not allowed.
It’s How You Say It…
- When responding to a message, *edit out* whatever is not directly applicable to your reply. Including the entire original message is a waste of space and annoying to those reading it.
- Capitalize words only to add emphasis or highlight an important point. *Asterisks* surrounding a word also can be used to make a stronger point.
- DON’T SHOUT; turn off the caps lock.
- Avoid symbols. Stick to text only.
- A multitude of messages come across the Listserv daily. To keep the load manageable, please respond privately to requests for referrals and any other message that requests a private reply.
Please note: A message posted to the ListServ is not a substitute for communication with the executive board. If you have a matter that needs the boards attention, please email or an individual board member.
If you have ANY problems related to the Listserv, please contact us at
If the guidelines are not followed, you will be removed from the AANLCP ListServ for 90 days. If there is a second occurrence, you may be removed from the ListServ permanently. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Join Today
May take up to 48 hours to be added to AANLCP’s Google Group