Executive Board-Committee Chairs Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2023

  1. Call to order: 1735 CST

Present: Stephen Axtell, Monique Gallery, Jess Urie, Andrea Goicoechea, Becky Czarnik, Andrea Nebel, Erin OConnell, Jim Quinn, Misty Coffman, Shelly Kinney, Jess Urie

  1. Committee Chair Reports 

Journal – Stephen Axtell

  • Attendance: more members are joining. There are currently 6 members attending regular journal meetings
  • Photo for journal: has been addressed
  • Steven will be available at the welcome reception, moving about during the conference, and will have a table at the conference. Members of the group suggested that he utilize committee members to help him man the table and answer questions about the journal, participation on the committee, professional writing, etc.
  • Erin suggested adding a request for articles/journal authors on the LinkedIn page, and Stephen is developing an engagement strategy for the site. Collin may be able to assist with this. 
  • Jess will develop a list of contacts with other professional organizations for Stephen to reach out to.
  • Work with Becky to transition webinar topics to journal articles.
  • Reach out to exhibitors at the conference regarding journal advertising

Conference – Monique Gallery/Jess Urie/Andrea G.

  • Monique informed the group that her team is well-prepared for the conference and it will be something we can be proud of. She requests no changes to conference activities beginning today. 
  • There will be name tags for welcome reception, buttons for executive board members
  • Continuing education credits are approved for CRC, CNLCP, LCP-C, MCP-C, MSA-C, RN. Credits for CCM and specialties addressed by IALCP are under review.
  • Andrea Goicoechea will ensure there is a table for Stephen.
  • Sponsors: Diamond conference sponsor My Junna, Gold sponsor Medical and Life Care Consulting, and other sponsors Fair Health, McKinnon Economics, and SP Legal Nurse Consulting
  • There will be a table for committee sign ups and requests for additional information about membership
  • Collin will be asked to develop a link for people to sign up for new memberships at the conference – provide a discount. 
  • Interested in membership? (around 25 will be attending who are not members). 
  • Monique can develop a QR code that takes an individual directly to the website to become a member. Premier membership is $475.00. A decision was made to discount first time members $50 if they sign up during the conference. We aspire to gain 14 new members at this conference. 
  • Misty will develop a visual for the table that shows the value of Premier Membership in dollars and time saved.
  • Cancellation policy – Cancellations after 2/15/23 will incur a $150 processing fee. No refunds after February 15. This will be clearly posted in the communications about future in-person conferences.
  • Post event survey questions: 1. Would you recommend this event to a friend or colleague? 2. Do you prefer in-person, virtual conferences? 3. Was this conference a good value?

Education – Becky Czarnik 

  • April 12, 2023: Lucy Wibbenmeyer, MD Diversity and inclusion in Healthcare and its importance for your LCP
  • May 10, 2023:  Michelle Wild, Assistive Technology for the person with brain injuries
  • Sept 13, 2023:  Jennifer Crowly and Shauna Huber, Adding Life Care Management to your NLCP practice
  • Misty is attending  committee meetings. The next meeting is this Thursday at 9 am Pacific time.
  • There is a goal for the Education committee to manage the November conference and address continuing education credits for all offerings.
  • Discussion regarding webinar feedback and sharing with presenters.
  • Resource Thursday
  • To advertise services and products
  • $500 for each presenter/speaker
  • Free of charge for all participants
  • Lubna to set up application form
  • All presenters/companies to be approved by EB prior to confirming/advertising
  • Publish in Newsletter as well as journal

Research – No report this meeting

III. Adjournment @ 1648

Respectfully submitted by
Shelly Kinney, Secretary AANLCP