6:30 PM EST
Call to order: 
6:30 PM EST
7:48 PM EST
Executive Board & Joint Committee Chairs Meeting



Location: Virtual
Meeting Type: Webinar based teleconference
Annie Weist
Beth Wood
Annie Weist
Denise Wrenn
Erin OConnell, Denise Wrenn, Annie Wiest, Beth Wood, Mariann Cosby, Becky Czarnik, LaToya Lowery, James Burkhalter



Lori Dickson, Joan Schofield, Anne Sambucini

Next EB & Chair Quarterly Meeting: October 9, 2018 @ 6:30 p.m., EST, via GoToWebinar
Committee Chairs Meeting Minutes
• Conference committee
• Journal committee
• Outreach committee
• Education committee
• Research committee
Nominations committee
Quarterly EB-Chair Meeting Minutes for 6/12/18:
Reviewed at Joint Committee Chair Meeting on 8/14/18

Motion for Approval: unanimous

Quarterly EB-Chair Meeting Minutes for 8/14/18: Pending review at Joint Committee
Chair Meeting scheduled on 10/9/18.
A. Conference committee: Becky
a. Theme will be used to explore ways we can reach our individual maximum
potential without limitations. Promoting a think-outside-the-box approach to
life care plan development and implementation.
b. Topics: Will be covered by using a two-pronged approach
i. Clinical focused presentations across the age continuum
ii. Focus on the business of NLCP
c. Keynote: Working on securing a motivational post-injury survivor
d. Pre Con: Speakers lined up for the pre-con sessions (all 3 have agreed)
i. Conference hours 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
ii. Will have a Welcome reception as the kick-off. No dinner as Las Vegas
is a destination.
iii. Review what level of disclosure to share with vendors; Erin
iv. Budget; collaboration with KAMO & Becky, as Chair with budget
B. Membership Committee Report: No Report. Items remain pending.
a. Membership update (no new current update)
i. Look at revising the protocol for standard questions; ie; do a FAQ
page with standard questions that are often asked
ii. Conference set up for new members to feel welcome and learn how
the Conference works. Consider mentors for new members
iii. Provide list of new member conference attendees to Joanne in
preparation for Conference mentorship
b. Outstanding issues-none
C. Education Committee Report: Becky
a. Current status
i. Review of list of educational offerings provided by Becky. Invited
Medtronic (SCS, Neuro stim, spasticity stim, pain management),
Ddanzandsons (eye prosthesis) and several of the 2017 partners to fill
in the calendar. Pending responses.
b. Tentative Planned:
Aug; Mary Baros / Vocational needs and recommendations
Sept; AHD invited /not confirmed
Oct; Rated ages invited /not confirmed
Nov; Wendie Howland / Nursing Process and the NLCP
Dec; Shelene Gile / Topic TBD
c. Discussed resources, encouraged to listen to the Webinars
d. Crash Cart/Dropmark: Becky will take over
e. Outstanding issues-none
D. Research Committee Report: No Report. Items remain pending.
a. Current status
i. Results from survey done at Conference is in, continue analysis of the
ii. Call out to members for a replacement Research Chair and interest to
iii. Committee meetings will meet the 1st Thursday of each month
b. Outstanding issues
i. Seeking new Chair, Joan is currently acting as Chair of Committee
ii. Request the sign-up sheet from the Conference of interested
members to be part of the Research Committee (Annie will obtain)
E. Journal Committee Report: Mariann C.
i. Chairperson resigned in May. Pending further direction from Erin
ii. Recruiting members who participate in the committee, and authors
for articles continues to be a challenge
iii. Consider periodical vs. journal format continues
iv. Working on the Summer Journal; number of articles remains tentative
and questionable whether there will be an adequate number for an
v. Webinars turn into articles for the Journal; Becky (education
chairperson) agreed to ask webinar presenters to consider writing an
article for journal based on the webinar content, either as the sole
author or possibly be paired with an interested co-author. This
proposed idea would need to be coordinated by the journal
committee: to locate interested co-authors with writing skills.
b. Outstanding issues:
i. The needs and viability of the journal remains concerning. Need
chairperson who will lead the committee, and seek authors for article
development for publishing consideration
F. Nomination Committee Report: No new updates
a. Strategic Plan and Executive Board Meetings upcoming with review of new
G. Outreach committee: No Report. Items remain pending.
a. GOAL: Increase positive image of AANLCP among members; increase
membership participation; increase membership numbers
b. Marketing Tool: This newsletter is a marketing tool to be used, not to be
confused with the Journal, considered as education
c. Audience focus is all AANLCP members, nonmembers and CNLCP’s
i. Will send quarterly emails to each audience. Will be short newsletters
that include information about webinars, journal, some educational
information, and information on next years’ conference
ii. Target date for first newsletter, end of July 2018
iii. Wendy H., joined outreach committee and will ‘jazz’ up newsletter
iv. Will begin sending members birthday emails on the day/month of
their birthday
d. Will send emails to each audience. Will be short newsletters that include
information about webinars, journal, some educational snippets, next years’

*The items that did not get discussed, will be followed up in email communications
Motion to adjourn approved unanimous
Meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m., EST.

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