APPROVED 4/27/20

Objective: Monthly Executive Board Meeting
Date: February 11, 2020
Location: Virtual GTM

Meeting Type: ZOOM teleconference
Time: 5:45 EDT / 4:45 CDT / 3:45 MDT / 2:45 PDT
Call to order:
5:45 pm EDT
6:55 pm EDT


Jason Kotas
Kelly Dawson
Kimberly Kushner, Kelly Dawson, Penny Cates, Jason Kotas, Robert Patterson

Erin OConnell, Evelyn
Kimberly Kushner
Kelly Dawson

Next EB Meeting: Annual Meeting – San Diego
(Time – TBD)
Next EB & Committee Chair Meeting: 4/14/20
(6:30 EDT / 5:30 CDT / 4:30 MDT / 3:30 PDT via Zoom Meeting)

EB Meeting Minutes for February 11, 2020: Reviewed via email and approved on 4/27/20.
A. *Treasurer’s Report: Penny Cates – no updated report
a. Checking Account Balance (Chase):
b. Savings Account Balance (Chase):
c. Total (Chase):
d. Checking Account Balance (Wells Fargo):
e. Savings Account Balance (Wells Fargo):
f. Total (Wells Fargo):
g. PayPal Balance
i. 11/30/19:                   ($4,687.28)
ii. 12/10/19:                   $5,148.28
h. TOTAL (Chase, Wells Fargo, and PayPal):
B. Scholarship/Awards – Kim Kushner
a. Jason has a meeting with Colin and will set up an auto email to go out.
C. Conference Pins and Lanyards – Kim Kushner and Jason Kotas
a. Pins look fine per EB members in attendance
b. Pins with be approximately 1”x 0.8”
c. Per Jason – he spoke to Debra Lloyd
d. Jason will order Lanyards after he gets boxes from Debra Lloyd to see what is
included; Jason wants to avoid duplication of ordering lanyards.
D. Conference CEU’s: Kim Kushner and Jason Kotas
a. Jason – CEU’s also requested Ethics CEU’s
b. Per Kathleen with ICHCC – Conference CEU’s should be fine for CLCP and MSCC
c. MCLE – application form sent out, Jason waiting for final approval
d. CCM and RN have been applied for
E. Marketing conference to CA nurses: Kim Kushner and Jason Kotas
a. Jason will contact hospitals to the market conference to CA nurses
F. Bank Key Executor and Signer Process – Kim Kushner
a. Kim was told by her banker that he needed a copy of EB minutes
          i. Kim’s banker gave Kim a list of details that need to be included in

G. Website page for previous award winners – tabled for a future meeting
H. Marketing – Jason Kotas
a. Jason updated LinkedIn and Website

Motion to adjourn approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned: 6:55 pm
*Any items that do not get discussed will be followed up via email communications or tabled to
the next meeting.
________________________      __________________________
Erin OConnell                          Evelyn Robert
AANLCP – President             AANLCP – President-Elect
________________________      __________________________
Penny Cates                            Kelly Dawson
AANLCP – Treasurer              AANLCP – Secretary

Approved on 4/27/20

The mission of AANLCP is to support the nursing community to achieve excellence in the practice of nurse life care
planning. This is accomplished by providing the fluid exchange of information and an opportunity for lifelong
learning through the promotion of education, collegiality, collaboration, research, and standards of practice.

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