Executive Board Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2023
- The meeting was called to order at 1446 PST
Members present: Andrea Nebel, Erin OConnell, Jim Quinn, Misty Coffman, Shelly Kinney, Jess Urie
- Approval of the agenda: Unanimous
- Approval of previous minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting and Strategic Planning meeting are not yet finalized. They will be completed for board members to review prior to the February meeting.
- Reports
Treasurer Report
December 1st, 2022 Opening Checking Balance: $34,644.22
December 1st, 2022 Opening Savings Balance: $114,703.67
Income from Conference:
Conference Regular Member: $2,800.00
Pre-Conference Full Day: -$501.76
Conference Early Bird: $1,996.00
Income from renewals: $6,721.08
Income from other sources
Associate Premier Member: $250.00
Basic Membership: $900.00
Premier Member: $475.00
Webinars Non-Members: $49.00
Interest: $98.61
Total income for December: $12,787.93
Membership resources EBSCO: -$172.12
Membership resources ODG: $10,124.00
Contracted Labor $1,266.57
Software: $1,377.45
Office Expenses Bank Charges: $35.00
Printing Fees: $1,860.06
Extra monthly expenses (Merchant Fees): $417.22
Conference Supplies: $843.68
Conference Speaker Expenses: $54.36
Total expenditures: $14,962.54
December 31, 2022 Closing Checking Balance Actual: $30,559.15
- December 31, 2022 Closing Checking Balance based on calculations: (banking postings in transit.) $32,469.61
- December 31, 2022 Closing Savings Balance Actual: $114,801.13
- Total liquid assets as of December 31st, 2023 (Actual, not calculated):
$145,360.28 Net Profit for 2022: $69,063.14 Fall Conference Revenue both Members and Non Members: $5,360.00 |
Andrea presented a motion to approve the Treasurer Report. It was seconded by Jim.
Membership Report
There is not a membership report available for the meeting due to the scheduled absence of administrative personnel. A report will be available for the February meeting.
Sponsorship Report
There is a schedule for the cost of ads for the newsletter. The website is being adjusted to allow collection of payment for newsletter advertising.
Ongoing Agenda Items
- Executive Board Positions
- Packet for newly elected board members
Target Date: TBD Responsible party: TBD
- Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) 2022: Minutes available were quickly reviewed.
Action Item: Andrea will provide the final version Target: 1/25/23
Responsible party: Andrea
- Conference
Conference 2023 – An additional meeting was scheduled for 1445 PST on January 25, 2023 to plan for the annual membership meeting to be held during the conference.
Action item: Proposed by-law changes will be uploaded to the shared file
Target date: January 25 Responsible party: Andrea
Outcome: TBD
2024 Conference location tables were reviewed. Concerns were voiced regarding social issues surrounding several of the locations. A cruise option was not presented. Misty requested information regarding an option in Atlanta, GA.
Target Date: 2/14/23 Responsible party: Jess
- Newsletter
- Andrea is working on the January newsletter and announced advertising has been secured. Collin will set up the website to receive payments for advertising.
- Andrea will assist Shelly to assume responsibility for the monthly publication.
- Target Date: January 2023 Responsible party: Andrea and Shelly
- Outcome: TBD
- Stephen Axtell
- Agreement Addendum – * provided amount to be approved annually by the EB prior to booking.
- Pricing of ads (yearly)
- Jess is working with Stephen to share his knowledge and expertise during the conference.
- Lubna contract
- Update hourly pay documents and send to Lubna for signature
- Lubna on maternity leave until 02/06/2022
- Target Date: 1/25/23 Responsible party: Richard?
- Fall conference
- Need to upload all authorized videos for purchase
- Members $25/session
- Non-member $45/session
- Target Date: 2/14/23 Responsible party: Colin
- Rebranding/Website
- Proposal Tendenci – Has not yet arrived. Erin will follow up
- Proposal Ann
- Hello Monochrome
New Business
- Call for nominations – Board members at large
- A call for nominations will be posted to the website and open for 30 days.
- Target Date: January/Feb 2023 Responsible party:
- Outcome
- Core Curriculum – Shelly agreed to be liaison. The majority of chapters are ready for the final review by authors. More specific information will be presented at the next appropriate meeting.
- AANLCP/IALCP Summit – Meeting 2/17/23. Review the importance of the summits, who should attend. Misty, Andrea and Jess plan to attend
- Conference Scholarship – Reviewed the scholarship criteria. Andrea made a motion for a scholarship to be offered for this year’s conference. It was seconded by Jim. None opposed. An announcement regarding the scholarship and criteria will be in the newsletter.
- Directory for non-nurse life care planners – to be discussed at the conference planning meeting on 1/25/23.
- Political Action Committee – Tabled until a date later in the year.
- Member Needs Assessment – will be discussed at the 1/25/23 meeting
- Jess suggested that we hold a fund-raising raffle at the conference for tuition for next year’s conference. This requires a motion and vote.
- There was discussion about moving the time of the February meeting to earlier in the day. Additional specifics are required
- Target Date: 1/25/23 Responsible party: Andrea
The meeting was adjourned at 1612 PST
Respectfully submitted by
Shelly Kinney
AANLCP Secretary